Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brown or Black-Commit to One

This past Sunday was Mothers’ Day and for such an occasion often people bring out their Sunday-go-to-meeting best’s. If you’re not southern enough to know what I’m talking about, basically I’m being sarcastic about folks that typically don’t dress up-dressing way up. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all about looking nice and so on. But there is one fashion issue I want to vent about and it’s the brown or black issue. I will say this is just my opinion and no matter how wrong you are, I encourage everyone to think for themselves, or at least try-we play the hand we’re dealt right?
Ok, the brown and black debate is most commonly raised in reference to shoes and belts. If you are wearing a belt, it should match your shoes. Your shoes and belt; and other accessories for that matter, should compliment your choice of attire. The use of “match” and “compliment” is intentional. Think of it like your accessories are the opening act which should work together to support and present the main event which would be the outfit. Many shades of many colors can be complimentary to many others colors-and this is open to your personal taste and interpretation. But think of the belt as a connector for your top and bottom. The belt should separate the two pieces and should be a color that compliments the attire and your shoes should compliment and finish your outfit in both color and shape/size-bulky ass shoes and skinny pants do not look good, I don’t care which rapper does it. Black accessories work with most colors, including brown clothes-but not brown shoes. Brown accessories compliment darker, more neutral or organic tones, i.e. dark greens, oranges, tan, and blues etc... Also let me take the time to say that I personally feel if your bottoms have belt loops you should wear a belt-but that’s me. But I feel the belt is NOT optional if the bottoms have belt loops and the top is tucked in-you should never see belt loops without a belt.
Having said all of this, the same rules should apply to other accessories like watches, bracelets, prominent necklaces, and hats.
And while I’m thinking about it, some other things to avoid; sandals with socks, boots with fur, skinny jeans, sagging, spandex (which you should have to audition to buy,) rubber bands on pant legs, house shoes in public, and face tattoos just to name a few.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree with you on this one. Although I typically go with a basic black belt/shoes/socks with black pants. I'm just not that energetic when it comes to wearing clothes. And while I was guilty of sandals with socks a couple of times in high school, that should explain enough about when people should do it. NEVER. I'd also vote to add Crocs to the list. I don't care how comfortable they feel, you look like a retard.

